- 617.599.0380

The Creativity of Crowds

Measuring the Effects of Explicit Instructions and Incentives on the Idea Generation Rate of a Crowd-Based Population Generating new ideas is at the core of innovation.  Management researchers have long sought strategies for increasing the rate and quality of ideas generated...
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Collective Intelligence

    Collective Intelligence is defined as the ability of groups to solve more problems than the individuals working alone.  Collective Intelligence is not just the average knowledge of the crowd, it is, rather, an emergent property that is greater than the sum of its parts...
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Affinity Maps

Affinity mapping is a tool that helps designers find relationships between elements and to simplify complex information.  Groups of individuals are asked a set of questions around a strategic goal and are asked to provide responses to these questions on Post It notes...
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Forever, At Last.

Swinging Both Ways: Targeting Gay Consumers Using Cryptic Messaging This research begins with the premise that gay consumers respond to messages and advertisements differently than straight consumers.  Traditional messages that fit hetero-normative archetypes might not resonate...
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Email Network Analysis

Sloan Gear is a student run retail venture. The company is designed to give management students the opportunity to learn first-hand the successes and challenges of running a small retail company. The company designs and orders apparel and other items with custom graphics, namely...
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